As fresh-faced high schoolers cruise the round their necks proclaiming "I'm a new freshman!", I realized that itUSC campus with bright yellow lanyards a is--yet again--freshman orientation. These 2-day events bring all the new students to campus, along with their eager parents, to check out the programs, academics, campus, dorms, and all of the other perks the university has to offer.
But, I bet you didn't know that USC also offers a special overnight orientation for prospective LGBT students. Yep, that's right. It turns out that USC is the
only school in the country that offers such a niche and inviting opportunity.
In fact, LGBT resources at USC are so great they have recently been recognized by the City of Los Angeles. Some of the university's standout programs include the USC LGBT Resource Center, the USC Lambda Gay and Lesbian Alumni Association, and the GLBT Student Assembly.
article, which can be found on the main page of USC's Web site, also noted that USC tied for the nation's highest score in the most recent
Advocate College Guide ranking of the "
Top 20 Best of the Best Campuses for LGBT
"USC also received a 'five-star' rating (highest possible) by the
Campus Climate Index and was named a 'diversity leader' by the Gender Public Advocacy Coalition for its inclusive non-discrimination policy," the article added.
For me, this effort to reach out and make EVERYONE feel welcome is a big step--especially as a girl coming from the Deep South where differences aren't always celebrated. This is a breath of fresh air and a definite step in the right direction.